Miloš Alexander Bazovský – permanent exhibition

The collection is completed with photodocumentation from artist ´s private life and information texts about main points of his life and art work. Miloš Alexander Bazovský belongs to the most famous and remarkable representatives of the slovak modern art. He participated with his unique creatings in constituting of its basics and brought in it new intellect – creative dimension. Author ´s strong baladic, expressive and simultaneously poetic work full of philosophical reflections is a definition of whatness and basics of slovakionism. We can define more development periods in his creation where he once prefers rough line determinative shape silhouette, another time he favors penetrative colour saturated areas or unusual composition solutions. Bazovský is in his paintings alway different – changing colours, brushwork or composition.
The most important factor of his work is colouring – accords of brown, yellow ocherous or red tones are sometimes brightened with orange or green. Bazovský knows Slovakia intimatelly – his paintings are full of typical motives of mountain massifs, rhytmes of valleys, attractive silhouettes of village churches, belltowers, settlements but also human figures. His landscapes find alway new dimensions of Slovakia – surrealism and poetry of the lonely hay lofts, village churches or sky – high trees. Drawings comprise the inseparable part of his creative story. His own original observations, seen in a brave shortcut Bazovský transfers on the paper with unique easiness and virtuosity. They are created like prototypes of his art creation, like a sovereign record of the first contact with the surrounding, like a document of the author ´s ability to define Fundamentals and uniqueness of the motive through bravura drawing shortcut.
Miloš Alexander Bazovský ´s scapular story is in slovac art unusual. Also today his work has a huge predicative value. It is the trace and the touch with the era which was long time ago but it intercedes to usstill likewise actuel with its human dimensions and supertemporal heritage.